I use my bike regularly for trips into the city as I prefer to travel wherever possible with my backside sat on something. My home city is bike friendly and it is easy to find somewhere to leave my bike the only issue I face then is carting my helmet around with me whilst shopping or going for lunch. The Overade Plixi Folding Helmet seemed like the answer to my problem as when you are not wearing it (don’t make the mistake of trying to fold it down when it’s on your head) it will fold down to a third of its size, making it easy to fit into a small bag. I was particularly pleased with the design of this helmet as I have seen other folding helmets which are a bit lame looking, were as the Plixi is stylish in design as well as protective. It is designed to be just as safe as a conventional helmet and it complies with Europe's EN1078 safety standard dedicated to bicycles, rollerblades, kick scooters and skateboards.

The Plixi is Unisex and comes in S/M (54/58 cm) & L/XL (59-62 cm) with extra padding to make sure you get the perfect fit, I found it really comfortable to wear being nice and light with fourteen ventilation holes to reduce the sweaty helmet head effect. It is really easy to fold down and pop back up and there is something really satisfying of clicking it into place in front of my mates who will always comment on how “cool” it is. The Plixi also comes with its own little protective fabric pouch to stop it getting scratched up in my back pack or shopping bag and keep it looking its best. This is a useful, trendy and protective helmet and I can’t see a reason not to choose this over the classic bike helmet. RRP €75

4.2 Out of 5

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Folds down to a 3rd of its size


Good Ventilation

Stylish design

Value for money


Only two colours available