When you are expecting a baby, there is an entire house full of stuff you will need to get. One of those big-ticket items is the pushchair, and chances are you will take your time researching the best pushchair to make sure you have the Rolls Royce of prams. Everything is great until two to three years later and along comes baby number two: do you upgrade to a two-seater at more expense when you know your toddler won’t use it all the time, or give in to carrying one or the other?

The Buggypod Lite is a brilliantly innovative idea that allows you to keep your old pushchair and pop out an extra seat for when your toddler gets tired legs. This award-winning add-on takes an initial set-up by installing clips onto the side of your push chair, but it isn’t difficult, and there is a handy drop-down tool on the website that allows you to select the brand and model of your pushchair to check it’s compatible before you buy.

We were testing out the Buggypod Lite with the Silver Cross Pioneer. The initial installation was easy enough - it is just a case of clipping the seat onto the pram’s frame. When not in use, it folds away with a catch to keep it in place and the wheel relocates to help keep your original pushchair as slim as possible. The Buggypod Lite can carry up to 18kg and is suitable from six months old. It weighs 3.3 kg and adds 41cm to the width of your pushchair when open, 14cm when folded. It is fully adjustable to make sure it runs smoothly alongside your pushchair,  featuring a five-point harness and fabric footrest. There is a two-click folding action to let you know when it is in position, and it detaches easily to pop in the car.

I absolutely love the idea of this product, but for the price I wasn’t impressed with the quality. It looks cheap in comparison to the Silver Cross mothership, and doesn’t come with any padding or rain cover as is standard. At £114.95, I don’t feel you get value for money: the wheel doesn’t provide a very smooth ride and it can be difficult to manoeuvre through doorways, the frame and seat are also low quality and don’t recline, and the fabric footrest is just stingy. For all the optional extras (which are basically essential items) such as a detachable padded seat, rain cover and sunshade, you are looking at an extra £78. Although I love the idea of Buggypod Lite, in the end, the build quality lets it down. RRP £114.95

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3 out of 5


Easy to install and pop open

Innovative idea

Fully adjustable

Five-point harness


Cheap build quality

No liner, sunshade or rain-cover included

Fabric footrest

Difficult to manoeuver though doorways