Keith McMillen K Board

I have been keen to review the K Board from Keith McMillen Instruments for quite some time as an owner and fan of their previous keyboard the QuNexus. When I received the K Board I did think I had been sent the QuNexus again as the display looks very similar being the same size and with the same layout but upon closer inspection I could see the control buttons on the left hand side had different functions labelled.  For those who have never used either a QuNexus or a K Board the device is designed to be portable with dimensions 325mm(L) x 84mm(W) x 11mm(D)

BrydgeAir Keyboard

We had the pleasure of testing the BrydgeAir Keyboard with the iPad Air 2, ideal if you type a lot on your iPad and want to transform it into a mini netbook. The Keyboard is not going to win any awards for being light it is beautiful designed from aluminium and weighs 520g / 1.15lb but this isn’t a cheap piece of tat it is a high quality tactile keyboard, user tip if you are using it as a laptop do not put it on bare legs as it is super cold.