Twelve South: MagicBridge 

 The best inventions make you wonder why they didn’t always exist. In the case of Twelve South’s Magic Bridge, this desk-tidying accessory is so simple that you’ll wonder why it wasn’t released at the same time as the products it supports. 
In short, the MagicBridge turns your Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 2 into one singular control surface. By turning these two items into one, you no longer have a scattered or untidy work area. Instead, everything looks slick streamlined and controlled. If you’re like me, you like a work area to be as tidy and minimalist on the desk surface as possible, so I love this. Some people like to be more disordered, but for me, this solution equals peace of mind. 
There is also a far more practical, direct reason to use the MagicBridge. Even if you’re not bothered by organisation or aesthetics, this product keeps your keyboard and trackpad aligned in a way that makes them easier to use, preventing them from moving or separating from each other. As one single unit, you can use them in combination with added ease. It also allows you to use this pair of tools in your lap if you wish, rather than on a desk, and to be able to do so without juggling two loose, separate devices. Made from polycarbonate, the MagicBridge is extremely light, so it’s no encumbrance to use. What’s more, it not only comes with silicone feet on its base to keep it in place and protect your desk, but it also has these feet on the inside, to do the same for your keyboard and trackpad. 
The MagicBridge is designed to work with the Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 2, specifically. However, the MagicBridge Extended is now also available, for those who use the Extended Apple Keyboard. 
You can place the trackpad on either side of the keyboard, depending on personal preference. The MagicBridge has been designed to allow easy access to power switches and charge ports. An added bonus of its polycarbonate design is also that it won’t trap Bluetooth signals. 
As we said, it’s simple, but as with many of Twelve South’s solutions, once you’ve tried it, you’ll wonder why you ever went without it. 
Holds keyboard and trackpad in place 
Can position trackpad on either side 
Tidies desk 
Easy access to ports 
Only for these products specifically – check before purchase