SnoozeBand™ MAX


Getting a good night's sleep is essential to set you up for the day ahead and help you remain feeling your best. However, for many of us getting to sleep and then staying asleep can be a real struggle, with external noise, light and racing thoughts stopping us from enjoying some rest. These problems are exactly why SnoozeBand was created to help people get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Therefore, I was thrilled when we got the chance to test out the SnoozeBand Max, the company’s most advanced Bluetooth sleep headphones designed to help you sleep better.

When I first got the SnoozeBand Max out of the box I was a little concerned that it would be a little cumbersome as it looks quite large and has a lot of padding. However, this padding makes the SnoozeBand super comfortable to wear, and the larger size means that 100% of light is blocked out – perfect for helping you stay asleep even on bright mornings. Getting to grips with the SnoozeBand does take a little configuration to connect it to your phone via Bluetooth and then discover all the functions. Once this connection has been made, you can utilise the 10 built-in sleep sounds which offer a variety of white noise options, or you can listen to your favourite music, podcast or audiobook through the SnoozeBand’s connection with your phone.

One of the best parts about the SnoozeBand MAX is the 3D eye cups. The cups provide a soft space for your eyes to sit comfortably without any pressure and even enough space to blink. This makes the mask extra comfortable to wear, whilst still providing a complete blackout. This is perfect for achieving a comfortable night’s sleep, as often I find traditional sleep masks press on my eyes and that pressure makes for an uncomfortable sleeping experience. Plus, the complete blackout design means that even when the light starts coming in from outside early in the morning, you won’t be awoken before your alarm by light – this will be perfect for when we return to summer, and I can get those last few hours of sleep in before my alarm goes off!

A big perk of the SnoozeBand MAX is that you can set the headphones to automatically shut off, this means that you can enjoy some soothing sounds to help you relax before bed but know that even if you fall asleep with the band on it will automatically turn off after a certain amount of time instead of staying on all night – which could wake you up again. This is great as it means you don’t have to worry about waking up to turn it off for uninterrupted sleep. Plus, it helps to extend the already great 20 hours of battery life in the SnoozeBand Max by powering down when no longer in use. However, when you do need to charge the band, it only takes 2 hours to be fully charged again.

Having tested out the SnoozeBand MAX for a few weeks I have found that I started to fall asleep a lot faster. I originally began using it as a sort of meditation before bed and would then remove it before properly falling asleep. However, after a few weeks, I’ve started falling asleep wearing it more often and found I’ve actually been staying asleep for longer on the nights I do wear it. Therefore, I’d definitely recommend it to someone who is struggling to sleep as for me it's been a great addition. Plus, it even comes with a lovely sleek travel case perfect for taking the SnoozeBand MAX with you on the go helping you to sleep better whether you’re at home or away!


  • 100% blackout with 3D eye cup design for a comfortable night’s sleep
  • Washable mask to keep it fresh once you remove the electronics
  • Inbuilt white noise for meditative sessions and to help with reducing stress and getting to sleep faster


  • To listen to music, audiobooks and podcasts you need to be connected to Bluetooth. However, I personally like to have devices running near me when I’m sleeping so this would be my only concern as you need this to use these features. (No device is needed to listen to inbuilt sounds offline)