The Sleepyhead Deluxe Plus Pod is designed to be used with babies from 0-8 months old, it provides a safe and comfortable spot for baby to sleep, rest, co-sleep, lounge, play, cuddle, do tummy time and get nappies changed. The Deluxe is lightweight and portable, ideal for moving from room to room or taking to see extended family at the weekends or on holiday. All the materials are breathable, washable and hypoallergenic, plus all filling materials are also breathable, hygienic and non-toxic. The Sleepyhead can help prevent infants from waking up when they have the startle reflex due to the shape, positioning of the sides and the cushioning effect of the dock.

The mattress is made from a thermos-bonded fibre wadding plate with a great bearing capacity which relieves pressure on the head, reducing flat-head syndrome. The surrounding bumpers can offer support and also function as a positioning prop, enabling you to alternate the baby's resting position from back to either side. Sleepyhead has been designed to offer a safe, snug and soothing environment for babies, there are no restrictive buckles and there are patented toy loops, which means it is compatible with the patented Sleepyhead Toy Arches and Toy Sets (both sold separately). The Sleepyhead can also be used as a spot to practise tummy time in, the rounded bumper helps prop up the baby when placed under their arms; this helps neck strength and develop their motor skills. The Sleepyhead Grand, suitable for 9-36 months, helps ease the transition from crib to toddler bed or big kid bed. The built-in air-permeable bumpers prevent the child from overheating, and act as bed rails while giving the little one a snug sense of security in their change to a bigger bed. The Grand can also be used for sleeping, cuddling, playing, lounging or resting.

It is equally portable and made from the same materials, just it's bigger. Additional covers are available at an extra cost, we received the Deluxe Plus in the Mrs. Mighetto Nighty Night option, a beautiful desaturated dream like design. The Grand was received in the Minty Trellis design. The Deluxe Plus is a very versatile product and we found it particularly handy for daytime sleeping without the need to lug the Moses basket back and forth from the bedroom. The Deluxe Plus went down a treat with 2 out of 3 babies (number 3 was having none of it), and the Grand helped one particularly stroppy toddler feel snug in his new big bed. The biggest downside is the high price tag which could make it a risk not worth taking for some new parents. Deluxe Plus Pod RRP 140 EUR, Grand RRP 240 EUR.

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Buy now (8 - 36 Months)

4.5 out of 5



Can be use as co-sleeping or as a cot insert

Promotes tummy time

Relieve symptoms of flat-head syndrome

Snug and comforting


Reduces Startle Reflex

Transition to bigger beds (Grand)



Spare covers pricey at £50-£97