Zepp Golf 2

The Zepp Golf 2 is the next generation of the Zepp Golf. Its new features include the Smart Coach training system, which measures your full swings on the course and allows you to compare swing metrics and consistency from round to round and from range to course. All you need to do is take a few swings, and the Zepp 2 will instantly collect data that can be used to assess the areas in which you could improve, and will even offer training programs that are tailor-made to help you advance your technique.

Zepp Golf 2

The Zepp Golf 2 is the next generation of the Zepp Golf. Its new features include the Smart Coach training system, which measures your full swings on the course and allows you to compare swing metrics and consistency from round to round and from range to course. All you need to do is take a few swings, and the Zepp 2 will instantly collect data that can be used to assess the areas in which you could improve, and will even offer training programs that are tailor-made to help you advance in your technique.

Zepp Play Soccer

Fancy becoming the next Messi or dragging your Sunday league team into the prem? The Zepp Play Soccer provides you with a clear insight into individual and team skills, allowing you to track player stats, captures a real-time game report, and using its auto-clip technology to create video highlights that will provide overall insights into your performance.