FOREO PEACH™ 2 IPL Hair Removal Device


As we enter into the summer months, many of us turn to shaving to achieve smooth skin perfect for heading to the beach in a bikini or wearing a lovely dress during the warmer days. Body hair and the removal process is a very personal choice with people choosing to leave it, shave it, wax it, or find another means such as intense pulse light (IPL) treatments to remove it.

I personally have always been a fan of shaving; however, the results don’t last long, and I end up spending so much time and money on razors. Due to this, I’ve been on the hunt for an IPL device that is effective and affordable - but knowing where to start can often be a struggle with so many on the market to choose from. Therefore, seeing the FOREO PEACH™ 2 land on my desk has made my venture into the IPL world a little easier.

At just over £250, the FOREO PEACH™ 2 sits in the middle of models on the market in terms of price - I’ve seen devices ranging up to £400 and all the way down to under £100. Upon opening the FOREO PEACH™ 2, I was super impressed with the quality feel and attractive aesthetics in a lovely peach colour. The IPL device has the treatment head on one end with the treatment window contained inside the circular head. On the back of the treatment end is a silver casing which allows the device to blow air through the head to keep you cool throughout your treatment process. The soft touch of the device felt sturdy in my hand, and whilst I personally don’t need my IPL device to be super aesthetically pleasing, it's clear FOREO wants to make the IPL hair removal process feel a little more luxurious as it looks and feels like a top-quality device.

So how do you use it?

Use of the FOREO PEACH™ 2 begins with shaving to ensure you have a blank canvas to work with. After shaving, you apply the PEACH™ Cooling Prep Gel (£23), plug in your device, and set it to your perfect setting via the app or using the intuitive buttons on the handle. You then either glide or stamp the head over your skin depending on the area. Gliding the device over the cooling gel makes the movement so much easier for an even IPL treatment, and for your face when you’re only focusing on smaller areas such as the upper lip where the skin is more delicate and hair is finer, a gentler stamping method is the most effective. This is made super comfortable and easy to do with the self-adjusting head which gently bends with your body to get to every single inch of skin super easily.

As directed in the FOREO manual for phase 1 of the treatment process you use the device on your chosen body part once every two weeks over 12 weeks. By the end of the 12 weeks you should have achieved great results, and either be at your desired hairless goal or will have already seen a vast decrease in the amount of hairs produced in your treatment area. Therefore, Phase 2 of the treatment is for maintenance to be used once a month or as required until you get your desired results.

After trying out the FOREO PEACH™ 2 over the last few weeks I was super impressed with how easy it is to use. The cooling gel feels great and allows for a nice even treatment across my legs. However, as I’ve only used it a few times I can’t say more about the long-term results – but the FOREO website is littered with glowing reviews on its long-term effects, so I will continue to use the device and hopefully be able to provide a longer-term update in a few months! However, I do think all IPL devices do vary in efficacy across their users, and will it take some longer than others to see results dependent on things such as hair thickness and frequency of use – so this is something to keep in mind with the FOREO PEACH™ 2, or any IPL device you’re looking into buying.

Despite not knowing the long-term effects yet, I’m already pretty happy with the FOREO PEACH™ 2. From first use, I didn’t feel any pain, something that I was fearful of having heard horror stories about IPL devices which feel like they’re burning. No, the FOREO PEACH™ 2 was easy to use, kept the skin cool with the inbuilt fan, and, when paired with the cooling gel provided a super cool and seamless treatment process that didn’t take much time at all. I’d say it took no more than 5-10 minutes to do both of my legs and just a minute or so to stamp the FOREO PEACH™ 2 across other smaller areas on my face and arms. This was much faster and less hassle than the shaving part of the process, and, as I hopefully begin to see results over the coming weeks, I look forward to not needing to shave my legs as much anymore!

So do I think the FOREO PEACH™ 2 is worth it?

For the speed of use, personalisation within the app and luxury feel of the experience, I do think on first impressions alone the FOREO PEACH™ 2 is a great choice. Whilst I appreciate the price is a little more high-end, if worked out by cost per use it is pretty affordable and will hopefully replace the need for razors and so save you money in the long run. I have high hopes for the long-term effects, but this will take some time – the only small downside of IPL options as results do take time instead of being instant…it’s a long game but worth it if it works!

If you are on the hunt for a new IPL device, or like me were lost on where to start, then the FOREO PEACH™ 2 is a great option. It looks great, is easy to use and makes the whole hair removal process a breeze.


  • Easy to use and pain free treatment
  • Sturdy handle and easy operation
  • Suitable for use across legs, arms, bikini line, and face


  • Long-term effects and length of treatment needed to achieve desired results can vary between users