Bosch EasyScrewDrive

I’ve recently moved housed, so every spare moment seems to be filled with painting, sanding, moving furniture, and endless use of a screwdriver. Constructing furniture, changing light fittings, removing the kitchen cabinet doors for repainting – the jobs are endless, and doing it all by hand can quickly get tiring and time consuming. For those long screws buried into walls to suspend lights and curtain rails etc., especially, I found myself looking to turn to something a bit faster and beefier than I am. Cue the Bosch EasyScrewDrive.

First things first – despite appearances, this is not a drill. This is a wireless electronic screwdriver – a handy thing to have around the house, but don’t confuse it for a drill when you buy it or you’ll have a hard time hanging those pictures! For what it IS for, however, this is a really helpful little device to have within reach. The fact that it’s wireless makes it so easy to use, not adding to the chaos of whatever project you’ve got spread across the room. It arrives with a whole array of screwheads, making it suitable for just about any screw you could come across, and it also has an array of features that take it above and beyond what you can achieve with a simple manual screwdriver.

Its most useful additional feature, in my opinion, is its LED PowerLight, which lights up the area you’re working on. You can select between either spot lighting or scattered lighting, depending on your needs. It’s also far more comfortable to hold, with an ergonomically designed rubberised grip, and is easy to manipulate at different angles, so you can get to whatever space you’re trying to reach. Then, of course, there’s the fact that it works at a far greater speed and with greater impact than one can manage the manual way. It even comes with a helpful direction indicator, so you know whether you’re screwing or unscrewing.

Of course, some spaces will be so cramped that you might need to ditch the EasyScrewDrive for a thin manual screwdriver, but for everything else, this is a great tool. It charges by USB when needed and comes with a cable and charging station.

Again, this is only a screwdriver, not a drill. I have a little wireless, easy to hold device like this at home which does both tasks, and that is an extremely useful thing to have around. However, if you’re not expecting to do much in the way of drilling, but are planning to put together and install a lot of furniture, then the EasyScrewDrive allows you to save the money on a tool you wouldn’t need, as well as cutting out that unneeded weight and complexity. It’s a really nifty little thing for what it does, and it does it well.


Comfortable to hold
Easy to use
Range of screwheads
USB charger
Fast, powerful screwing/unscrewing

Too chunky for some hard-to-reach screws