£29.99 with free UK delivery.


Babies are great, travelling is great but the combination together is often far from great.  Having an unsettled baby is upsetting enough for the parents however when you throw in to the mix a confined space and disgruntled moaning passengers the situation becomes awful.  What if there were a way to help relax a baby towards an incident free trip, surely if would be worth a shot!

The SkyBaby Baby Travel Mattress has been designed to make your baby as comfortable as possible on flights as most airlines will not assign a child under two their own seat.  This mattress is an comfortable alternative to having your baby sleep on your lap or on a long haul flight in an airline bassinet. It is not always feasible to buy a separate seat for your infant and some airlines do not allow baby car seats so it can be difficult to create a pleasant sleeping environment for your baby. The integrated mattress, thick pillow and wings hug the infant, and because it works in conjunction with the plane’s loop belt, baby is both snug and secure.

The SkyBaby provides a bed on the go, and it couldn’t be simpler to use on cramped airplanes.

It’s portable and comes folded neatly in a compact drawstring pouch which can be clipped externally on to any bag saving valuable packing space.  It is lightweight at under half a kilo.

It’s simple to use on the move and under pressure, as it can be quickly unfolded for the baby and packed away again in minutes. It’s also safe for baby if there is a spare seat using the lap belt.

The SkyBaby is suitable to use with children, from new-born to two years old, depending on the size of the child. There are two different-sized loops which expand around baby and are quick and easy to pop open.  And the SkyBaby is fully washable too.



Easy to transport

Well made

Hugs baby

Make an uncomforatble situation comfortable


Only go up to 2 years old, I want one too.