Ava Fertility Tracker 2.0

Who would have thought one of the most natural things in the world could be so difficult? People often assume making a baby will be the fun - I mean all those early nights, great right? However, for many couples it can quickly become a stressful, never ending cycle of apps, thermometers, vitamins, counting days and peeing on sticks. To top it off: the stress of it all can render your hard work null and void.

Ava Fertility Tracker 2.0

Who would have thought one of the most natural things in the world could be so difficult? People often assume making a baby will be the fun - I mean all those early nights, great right? However, for many couples it can quickly become a stressful, never ending cycle of apps, thermometers, vitamins, counting days and peeing on sticks. To top it off: the stress of it all can render your hard work null and void.

Clearblue Advanced Fertility Monitor

The theory behind getting pregnant is relatively simple but, as many people can confirm, putting it into practise isn’t always that straightforward! Contrary to popular belief, you cannot get pregnant at anytime of the month - you will need to be ovulating to conceive and tracking down when in your cycle that happens can be a stressful combination of apps, thermometers and trying to decipher pee-soaked strips of paper.

EarlySense Percept Contact Free Fertility Tracker

Thanks to the useless sex education classes we received in school, you could easily be led to believe that you could fall pregnant from simply holding hands. Now a lot of my friends are actually trying to get pregnant on purpose, it turns out it can be a lot harder than we were once told!