Foreo Luna Mini 3

The Luna mini 3 has arrived, new and improved with the aim of giving your mush a deep clean whilst remaining gentle on your skin, available in five colours, Black, Dark Pink, Light Pink, Yellow and Light Blue. The Mini 3 features an upgraded T-Sonic facial cleansing massager, (T for transdermal), with twelve adjustable massage intensities and a dual cleansing surface for a customisable skincare experience, it has a new Swedish design with a larger brush head than the Mini 2 and offers app connectivity as well as a softer, longer touchpoints.

PMD Recovery Collagen Infusing Facial Mask

Picture the scene: my fiancé is brushing his teeth in the bathroom, minding his own business. When he bends over to spit the toothpaste into the sink and stands up straight, he sees the reflection of a white masked face standing behind him holding a rolling pin. Understandably, he jumps out of his skin and yells at me whilst showering me in toothpaste, saying he thought that Michael Myers had come to bash his head in (how was I to know he watched Halloween the night before?)

LaserBand 82 Bundle

One of the sad facts of growing older, on top of your skin sagging, joints creaking and taking 3 days to get over a night out, your hair becomes thinner revealing more face and head than your ever knew you had. Your forehead becomes a fivehead, sixhead, sevenhead, then eventually you look like an egg. The LaserBand 82 Bundle is a light treatment system that aims to tackle hair loss and thinning hair.