YAWN Air Sofa Bed

YAWN Air Sofa Bed


Living in a small flat, one of the drawbacks can be that when you have more than one person come over, seating arrangements quickly become an issue. That’s before you have even considered where people are going to sleep… Hence why I was eager to put the YAWN Air Sofa Bed to the test.

Solar Tackle SP C-Tech Bedchair (with Detachable Bag)

There is nothing that has quite the same impact on the quality of your day as a bad night’s sleep and the last thing you need when trying to participate in what should be an enjoyable hobby is to be ruined by a semi-deflated air bed or lumpy uncomfortable foam liner. The SP C-Tech Bedchair from Solar Tackle has been created to provide you with a comfortable space to sit whilst fishing and then sleep comfortably in the great outdoors when you haven’t managed to catch anything for over five hours.