XCEED Swimming Goggles by MP, the partnership brand of Michael Phelps and Aqua Sphere

Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian of all time: winning no fewer than 28 medals during his career, 23 of which were gold. He competed in his first Olympic games at the tender age of 15 and set many world records during his career. If anyone should know what makes decent swimming gear, it is him.


Let me start off by saying this isn’t going to be a judgement or condonement as to whether a meal replacement diet, however extreme, is a healthy choice. There is a lot of conflicting information out there, so be sure to read up on the benefits and disadvantages of the ‘Huel diet’ before you start.

El Camino Bracelets

The El Camino Bracelet was thought up by Tom (from England) and Candace (from Canada), whilst hiking along the coast from Barcelona to Monaco. On their return to England, they created a few bracelets for themselves and friends with a man down the road engraving the little metal Steps. As demand grew due to word of mouth, the pair decided to name their creation El Camino, which is a nod to the Spanish roots where they first thought up the idea and means, rather appropriately, route or path in Spanish.