Kokadi Flip Baby Carrier

Kokadi was founded in 2010 when Ceyda Temur failed to find a babywearing company that had the modern designs that she was looking for, the company now produces a wide range of both baby carriers and wraps in a variety of different patterns. The Flip is the original baby carrier from Kokadi and comes in a whopping 60 different patterns, ensuring there is something for everyone. The Flip has been created so that it can be worn on both the chest and back and features an easy to slip on design.


Although toddlers are considered small when compared to say a baby elephant, if you end up having to carry one when their legs inexplicably stop working it can be hard to believe they don’t in fact weigh the same as a baby elephant. Switching a child between piggy backs, riding your shoulders and balancing on your hips is enough to make you feel like you are performing a workout whilst traditional child carriers can be bulky, hot and difficult to load and unload your child into.


Shabs’s first taste of motherhood included an emergency caesarean, struggling with the inability to breastfeed and developing postnatal depression, topped off with the issues of leaving the flat carrying a baby, pushchair and bags down the stairs with her caesarean stitches, she decided to take things into her own hands by fashioning her very own baby wrap. Shabs believes this helped her to finally feel the bond that she didn’t realise she was lacking due the trauma of the first few weeks, and the combination of skin-to-skin contact and seeing her baby asl

Solly Baby Carrier

The first Solly Baby wrap was created in 2011 when Elle Rowley took to making her own wrap after the birth of her second child, Solomon. This is where the name Solly Baby comes from. She found existing carriers painful and unattractive, and wanted to create something comfortable and stylish to wear. Solly Baby believes closeness is what matters, and that the power of touch provides a strength and comfort whilst encouraging bonding by experiencing life together.

Piggyback Rider SCOUT Toddler Carrier

My nephew is a stereotypical five year old. His mum and I were participating in a firewalk (yes, we are badass, but let’s try to focus on the child carrier here). He was excited to watch his mummy burn the dead skin off her feet, but when it came to making the 20 minute trip from their house to the event, he decided his legs didn’t work. The Piggyback Rider SCOUT toddler carrier could have been just the thing needed at that moment.