On Running Cloudventure Peak

The new Cloudventure Peak running shoes have been designed for race day on the mixed and trail surfaces, it comes in a white and black design which seems a rather unusual choice for trail running as they certainly won’t look this pretty for long. Best suitable from fast running on uneven surfaces, cross country and fell running for example, the grip pattern on the outsole has been put together in away to give you the best traction and support during your run.

Manduka Pro Yoga Mat

Yoga is one of those things that people have a misconception about, and I was know different before starting, I assumed it was all deep breathing and relaxing, gentle stretches, the reality is that tend if feel more stiff after a yoga class than I do a HIIT class or long run. You don’t need a load of gear for yoga however a decent yoga mat can mean the difference between you nailing a bound high lunge pose and landing square on your face.