Mira Advance Shower (8.7kW)

If you feel you have a handle on life there’s nothing like trying to use someone else’s shower to remind you that you are basically a monkey whacking a coconut against the floor trying to get in. Some showers have so many dials, knobs and buttons it looks more like a cockpit of a plane instead of something to wash the filth off. The Mira Advance Shower has been designed in such a simple, intuitive way that anyone can use it first time…even with a hangover.

Cuisinart Precision Stand Mixer

Recently we moved to a beautiful house in the countryside and with this move we wanted to embrace a slightly more grown up, homely lifestyle, so when I invited my friends over I decided to provide some homemade cookies and banish my long-standing reputation of being a hopeless baker. I had total faith in my new Cuisinart Precision Stand Mixer and even found a recipe in the booklet provided: white chocolate and cranberry cookies. I decided if I followed it word for word, I couldn’t go wrong.

Soda Stream Spirit (Previously Fizzi)

Thanks to the amazing David Attenborough and the creators of Blue Planet 2, our society seems to have really begun to take note of the issue of plastic waste in our environment, there are small changes we can all make every day to reduce our personal waste without abstaining from our favourite things. The Spirit is the latest addition to the SodaStream range of soda makers, which provides you with the power to turn tap water into sparking drinks in seconds, allowing you to add flavours in your own home and enjoy fizzy drinks without having to purchase pre-

Simba Hybrid Duvet

In the middle of the summer me and my body have a battle when it comes to trying get to sleep, it’s warm so my body is saying, “We definitely don’t need a duvet as it’s way too hot,” whilst my brain is saying, “Are you kidding? If you aren’t covered up the monsters are going to get you!” When you have spent your entire life associating being covered up with going to sleep it is difficult to break that habit when it is hot.

Vax Platinum Power Max Carpet Washer

We have recently been shifting things about in our house, getting ready to move out in a few weeks, and it’s slightly horrifying to pick up a piece of furniture and discover that the carpet underneath is a completely different colour to the rest of the room. Although many of us hoover regularly that is often as far as we go when it comes to taking care of our carpets, the Vax Platinum Power Max Carpet Washer could be just the thing to give them a new lease of life.

Victorinox Swiss 6-Piece Modern Cutlery Block

Victorinox are well known for making Swiss army knives so it makes absolute sense they should know what they are doing when it comes to making knives on a slightly larger scale. The 6-Piece Modern Cutlery Block certainly wouldn’t fit in your camping pack at 165 x 90 x 320mm but will look much more at home on your kitchen counter. The block itself has a nice weight to it at 1965g and feels very sturdy as you remove the knives, it is constructed from a durable beechwood that has been coated in anthracite lacquer.

simplehuman 58 litre Dual Compartment Recycler

With David Attenborough doing his utmost to break our hearts with every fresh documentary, there has been a dramatic rise in plastic recycling, they have even named it the Attenborough Effect, people are more aware than ever about what they put in their bins. We have a small box to put the recycling in and a large bin for general waste however I now seem to be emptying the recycling every other day, so it is time for an upgrade.

Simba Hybrid Pillow

Ensuring you have the right bedding can be just as vital for a good night’s sleep as avoiding that evening coffee or cheese board, and no I am not talking about dressing your bed in your favourite Marvel character duvet cover. An overlooked item in the bed is the pillow, however these squidgy cushions can make all the difference between a night spent tossing and turning and getting a decent eight hours kip, but with so many different varieties available it’s hard to know where to start.

Catit Smartsift and Litter Mat

When you think of owning a cat you might conjure up images of them playfully chasing string or purring away happily on your lap; what you probably don’t think about is being arm deep in a litter box shovelling out the poop with a special little poo scoop. Even if your cats go outside you aren’t necessarily free from this stinking burden, ours like to pop in throughout the day to use their litter trays (cheers boys).